

作为一名工厂操作员, 你有很多事要忙, 包括清洁, sanitizing and making sure your drain system isn't backed up. State专门生产帮助这些企业保持环境清洁和高效运行所需的产品, 同时保持与Local的兼容, 州和联邦法规.


当你的团队在线上努力工作时, 食物, grease and other debris finds its way to floors and drains. Failure to properly clean the floors and 食物 contact surfaces of your plan can lead to slips, 臭气和讨厌的害虫. 国家清洁目录, degreasing and disinfecting 解决方案 deliver the power needed to kill hazardous bacteria, 如E. coli, while leaving a presentable, fresh-smelling surface.

另外, 清洁污水管道, 提升站, 隔油池和排水管帮助工厂遵守政府的规定, 取消高额罚款. 州的本地客户经理和现场工程师团队已经解决了许多食品加工厂的排水问题, ultimately saving them thousands of dollars in fines and repairs.

食品加工厂, 和其他工厂一样, have machinery and conveyor belts that require constant lubrication. At State, we understand that keeping gears lubricated while keeping 食物 safe is no simple task. a number of NSF and CFIA registered lubricants and greases, State提供解决方案,使您的设备高效运行,而不会对正在加工的食品构成风险. 作为EPA年度安全选择合作伙伴,State不断 工作 towards formulating green-certified products that are safer for human health and the environment.

For many 食物 processors, heating and/or cooling are vital components of their operations. 无论是维护冰柜还是为生产制造蒸汽, 您的工厂依赖于精心设计和监控的水处理程序. 具有锅炉和/或冷却塔和闭环系统的中小型食品加工商是国家水处理方案的理想候选者.



NSF, USDA, CFIA和绿色认证的解决方案



Local Account Managers serving as your dedicated problem solver



Multi-time EPA 安全的选择 Partner of the Year

Our 食物 prep products ensure surfaces are properly sanitized and your operation runs efficiently.



Rid your drain system of heavy accumulations of grease and debris














Say Hello to Your Problem Solver, the State Account Manager





We have used State since 2007 for drain and sewer treatment as well as services relating to maintenance, 清洁和气味控制/改善. They have been a great asset to our operations and become a real partner over the years. The products work exceptionally well and their service is unmatched.

迈克·卡希尔,运营经理 Key Bank, Columbus, OH

State has an extensive and effective drain care line, 特别是Drain Rocket™, Scram®和污泥锤™.

我是设施经理欧内斯特·蒙特隆 St. 奥尔本斯退伍军人医院


Emilio Massanisso, Senior Maintenance Supervisor, CMA CPA

I have had more success with the State dilution system and products than any other in the industry. 我喜欢这种无触控、无溢出的系统. It provides my staff with a safe, economical and easy way to both carry and change each product

克里斯Lonis 南英语区

国家在提供质量方面做得更好, 政府批准的水处理, 气溶胶润滑剂和清洁产品. 公司在每次销售后都会跟进,以确保产品的性能符合预期,并且澳门威尼斯人赌城网站对结果感到满意. State even helps us manage our product inventory, ensuring we do not run out of the items we need.

简·范德豪特,总统 贝弗利温室

It’s always a pleasure doing business with our State account manager. 她很乐于助人。. We have been very pleased with the products ordered. 她也很擅长为其他产品提供建议. Overall, I’m very pleased to continue doing business with her.


多年来, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站当地的国家客户经理降低了澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的化学品成本,提高了澳门威尼斯人赌城网站系统的业务效率.

Emilio Massanisso, Senior Maintenance Supervisor, CMA CPA

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的国家工业客户经理一直做了一个出色的工作,保持澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的分配系统在工作秩序和良好的库存. She always goes over new product lines and recommends chemicals that aid our daily shop operations. 她是一个很好相处的人, 总是专业和有一个友好的, 即将离任的态度.

我是舰队服务部经理瑞克·吉 圣马科斯市

鲨鱼™, D-stroy®, Shut Your Trap™ and Floor Wizard™ EZ Guard are just a few of my favorite problem-solving specialty products. They are like nothing else I've seen in my career! I strongly recommend State for anyone with cleaning needs!

克里斯Lonis 南英语区

The One Solution™ system is an innovative one-stop-shop for our housekeeping cleaning products. 其调整和调节稀释过程的能力使其成为安全的, 灌装瓶子和拖把桶时的有效和经济的方法. It eliminates all guesswork when mixing State products with water.

Jay Verneris,维修主管 河公园的清水镇

Colasanti Farms has been 工作 with State for over a decade now. They have been assisting us with boiler and sewage line treatments. 在他们的化学品和澳门威尼斯人赌城网站客户经理的专业指导之间, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站取得了成功的结果.

Anton Dijkhuizen,维修主管 Colasanti农场有限公司

Our local State account manager is always available to answer questions or provide support when contacted, 是否需要拜访, 引进其他国家专家或者提出建议,协助解决问题.

Emilio Massanisso, Senior Maintenance Supervisor, CMA CPA

我从2016年开始就是State的客户. The company, products and employees are amazing! State as a whole makes you feel like you are a priority. I would recommend State for all your cleaning needs.


澳门威尼斯人赌城网站当地的客户经理花了很多时间去了解工作环境以及她所打交道的人,这样她就能最好地了解澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的需求. She is honest in her recommendations, has outstanding product knowledge and stands by what she sales.


澳门威尼斯人赌城网站在2018年3月试用了一个月的Fragrance Cube™,效果非常好. The guests commented on the sweet and fresh smell in the lobby, which is right beside the pool. 这使该区域始终保持清新,员工和客人都很欣赏. We decided to keep the Cube and remain very happy.

Dany Gendron, Contremaître, Installations Récréatives

我在一个无烟的建筑里工作,最近尝试了香氛立方™. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站对空气中的气味在短时间内的变化感到惊讶. 当你走进大楼的时候,你会立刻闻到一股清新宜人的香味. 我强烈推荐这种产品


澳门威尼斯人赌城网站一直在使用BT-128™冷凝水和氧气清除剂来处理澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的锅炉. For line treatment, we have been using BWT-S and the outcome for both has been very successful. 用于清洗轴承和拖拉机部件, 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站一直在使用时事零件清洗液,效果令人满意.

Anton Dijkhuizen,维修主管 Colasanti农场有限公司

While 工作 at The Residences of Maple Leaf Square, State has assisted many owners and the property management group with great degreaser products. Grease-B-Gone®, 辅助套房和公用物业是否在厨房烟囱和卫生管道定期清洁之间进行备份. 这个产品, 哪些是现场工作人员可以申请的, 是安全的, easy-to-use and has eliminated costly plumbing bills.

劳伦特·特伦布莱,总经理 Del物业管理

我爱凝胶精灵™. 令人惊奇的. We apply it to everything and it always neutralizes the smell.

德维恩,维修技师 顶级高尔夫球场

州和澳门威尼斯人赌城网站当地的州客户经理在管理和改善澳门威尼斯人赌城网站锅炉系统的水质以提高可靠性方面发挥了重要作用. 最宝贵的服务之一是澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的客户经理热心地教澳门威尼斯人赌城网站小组关于水质管理的知识,帮助澳门威尼斯人赌城网站帮助自己. 在这方面,他是一个真正的合作伙伴.

Emilio Massanisso, Senior Maintenance Supervisor, CMA CPA

We are loving the Fragrance Cubes™ in the leasing office and gyms! 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的办公室闻起来很香! 谢谢你所做的一切!

Megan Billiot,社区经理, 美丽生活双溪公寓

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的冷却塔一直使用State,并将澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的清洁化学品换成了One Solution™分配器. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站对它的易用性、产品质量和节省成本感到非常满意!

我是运营总监埃瓦琳·维吉莱蒂 弗雷泽Hockeyland

I have recommended State to other departments within the city as well as other agencies in the area. 这是我通常不会为供应商做的事情,我应该表达一下我对州和澳门威尼斯人赌城网站当地代表的感激之情. I look forward to many more years of 工作 with State.


We have used Concrete Companion® from State for two years now. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站在混凝土地板和墙壁上使用它,以消除可能为昆虫提供庇护空间并导致潜在安全问题的裂缝. 这对食品安全至关重要,并帮助澳门威尼斯人赌城网站确保安全的即食产品.

埃德·威尔逊,维修主管 通用巴伯公司.

I’ve been using State for the last four years to treat our 提升站 in the hospital. 他们为澳门威尼斯人赌城网站提供了优质及时的服务,帮助澳门威尼斯人赌城网站减少了臭气和油在澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的坑里积聚

马克的祝福 格兰特医疗中心


托马斯·法雷尔,地区经理 哈帕奇消防局

I have used D-Stroy® and Po2wer™ numerous times in my carpet business with fantastic results. 我对这些产品非常满意,并强烈推荐给任何想要将他们的服务提升到一个新的水平的人. 我的顾客总是很乐意.

Mike English, Owner of High Performance Cleaning 服务s 辛辛那提,哦

我使用State已经有一段时间了. We have tried other products but keep coming back to State. 他们的产品有效!

山姆·沃森,行政总厨 假日酒店

State has been a great addition to our company’s approved vendors. 他们带来了各种高效的产品,提高了澳门威尼斯人赌城网站公司的质量水平和预算. 我向任何公司推荐State.

杰伊·古兹曼,运营经理 ;

We recently purchased and installed a Fragrance Central™ for our air conditioning system. The program has been in place for approximately four months and has exceeded our expectations. 我强烈推荐这个项目给任何想要提高顾客满意度的酒店或机构.


I have witnessed the benefits State brings to our hospital’s commercial kitchen drains firsthand. The service they provide is efficient, concise and reliable. 我也见证了他们的润滑脂- b - gone®产品在澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的隔油器上的功效. 我会向任何需要排水处理的人推荐State.


Our Town Center is an older building and gets a little musty. The Fragrance Cube™ freshens the space and filters all the way through our two-story atrium.


PEN®在除锈和保持机器良好润滑方面表现出色. It works better than any other penetrating oil I've used. Some of our machines are buried in mud and become rusted together. PEN® has the ability to penetrate the buildup and loosen the parts, 让我恢复, 修理和重新组装拖拉机. It has definitely saved me time in disassembling pieces. 这是一个很棒的产品.


人们的看法是,如果酒店房间闻起来不好闻,那么它就不干净. The sense of smell is part of the customer's first impression. 走廊和洗手间的香氛工厂非常成功. 自从使用香氛工厂系统以来,客户在房间气味和清洁度方面的满意度提高了10%.


自2003年以来,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站一直是国家客户. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站使用Fragrance Factories®, D-Stroy®和许多其他产品,以保持澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的卫生间干净,闻起来很好. We love the great service that our account manager provides us.


Our State account manager is always there for us when we need him. I like the fact that he takes care of everything. 他甚至为香氛工厂®提供和更换电池. Our bathrooms always look and smell great thanks to State.


“我只想说,州立大学一直是(法医办公室)的一个伟大供应商。. State provides for us with hand sanitizer as well as restroom and shower fragrance dispensers. 感谢您对澳门威尼斯人赌城网站设施的维护和持续支持.


It can be a challenge for a hotel's housekeeping staff to keep guestrooms clean and odor-free, 特别是如果房间里允许吸烟的话. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的州客户经理有一个秘密武器——叫做Foam Force™. We have been using it for nearly two years and it is just terrific. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站要做的就是把它喷在地毯上. You don't have to vacuum and it works almost instantly.


澳门威尼斯人赌城网站已经使用国家解决方案一年多了,它们非常棒. State为澳门威尼斯人赌城网站提供One Solution™稀释系统,满足澳门威尼斯人赌城网站所有的家政需求,以及他们的空气清新剂Fragrance Factories®, which keep our restrooms smelling fresh and clean.


We decided to do business with State because of the added benefits that came with doing business with them. 他们的产品有效 great and they are very cost effective as well.


与State做生意最好的一点是,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的客户经理每两个月进行一次服务访问,在此期间,他为设备和库存提供服务和维护. 他甚至为澳门威尼斯人赌城网站更换了香水工厂®的香水包. 如此伟大的服务! We look forward to doing business with State for years to come.


I presented my problem to our State account manager and she immediately put a game plan into action. 她介绍了香氛立方™, 在投入使用前,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站用了几天的时间来测试它的功效. Needless to say, my supervisor, team and residents all fell in love! 太喜欢了,所以澳门威尼斯人赌城网站又订购了两套,而且很喜欢柑橘绿茶的香味. 这是一个A+选项!


I had a sealed bottle containing a hardball sized clump of grease removed from a kitchen stack. 当澳门威尼斯人赌城网站把油脂- b - gone倒进瓶子里, the clump was reduced to sludge in less than 15 minutes.


We implemented a Grease-B-Gone® program in August 2017 and I evaluated the success at the end of March 2018. 在这段时间里,我能够减少94清理厨房堆叠的费用.5%. When I add in the cost of Grease-B-Gone for that 6-month period, the savings were 56% over the previous year’s actual expense. 按年计算,这为公司节省了超过20,000美元的成本.


自从启动了Grease-B-Gone®计划, 督学还没有接到任何深夜打来的要求水槽溢流的电话,居民也没有因为厨房地板上的脏污泥而回家.


I fully endorse Grease-B-Gone® as a cost-effective alternative to annual power flushing of kitchen stacks. I am happy to share my experience and discuss my implementation with any prospective client of State.


我已经使用State好几年了,我对它的服务和产品性能非常满意. 我喜欢消毒剂的台词. 自从我转到州立医院工作以来,我看到员工和住院医生生病的情况减少了.


我已经在我的保险办公室使用国家空气护理产品一年多了. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的客户经理和她的团队的服务质量是惊人的. 他们定期来为我的账户服务, offer me different options and keep my business smelling great. I often have customers and members of my team comment on how awesome it smells in my building. 我会向任何企业主推荐State,并给他们10颗星的评级!


我经常在洗头间隙使用Pile Driver®去除污渍. It has literally saved us from having to replace a lot of carpets.


A decent carpet maintenance plan that uses a carpet extraction machine and State carpet care products, keeps carpets looking like-new in this 40-unit apartment complex.


Pile Driver® has really extended the life of the carpets.


The [New Jersey area] Board of 教育 has been using State products for several years, but we wanted to try another product with another company and decided to switch for one year. We went back to State and have been with them ever since because they make strong products.


自从切换到国家的一个解决方案™系统, we have reduced our spending on cleaning chemicals significantly. 这个系统对我的员工来说很容易使用,产品也很有效. We have even received a number of positive comments from our renters about the switch to green products.


As a 总经理 for three independent hotels, it is very important for me to have access to my supplier. 我和国务院的关系非常好.


For the past year, State has provided our facility with a drain care maintenance program. The constant application of Grease-B-Gone® has reduced plumbing and kitchen stack cleaning costs.


澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的居民很欣赏澳门威尼斯人赌城网站积极主动地处理他们的排水管道. Grease-B-Gone® effectively eliminates fats, oils and grease (FOG), and has a nice citrus scent. 缓慢流动的排水管很快就恢复了. 因此,给水管工打电话是微不足道的,尤其是在周末. Consequently, our superintendent has more time for other projects.


目前, 由于澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的Grease-B-Gone®计划,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站推迟了定期的厨房堆叠清洁,节省了数千美元. 澳门威尼斯人赌城网站刚刚签署了治疗的第二年,并有信心推荐润滑脂- b - gone®的性能.


State has provided our Restaurant Group outstanding service and products since we have been established.

约翰Ruetz 400海滩海鲜 & 利用

过去,餐厅地板上的门垫和隔间周围有一堆东西,我用其他清洁剂都洗不掉. 甚至连甲板刷都没用. Scentastic™ was able to eat right through those spots with just my mop and a little pressure. Avance™Kitchen Kleen在一次使用中就消除了厨房墙壁上累积了三年的油脂——这是我之前多次试图消除的另一个问题,但都没有成功. I couldn’t be happier with the way my restaurant shines now.

马克·圣. 约翰 巴里的百吉饼

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的州客户经理做得很好. He’s always on time and comes right over when I call.

玛丽亚Romo CiCi的迪凯特

自2014年以来,联邦老年生活与State建立了伙伴关系. Our experience has been exceptional in all areas. 这包括产品、服务、响应时间和新社区的添加. 运营团队积极主动,真正关心澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的成功. We look forward to partnering with State now and in the future.

鲍勃·雷蒙德,采购副总裁 & 餐饮服务 联邦老年生活


安德鲁·卡伦牌 凯利的半壳家族

State总是及时响应澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的服务电话,并为澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的所有设备和要求提供高质量的帮助. 总的来说,澳门威尼斯人赌城网站非常满意,并向其他公司推荐了State.


澳门威尼斯人赌城网站澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的代表那里得到的服务和关注,加上产品的质量和有效性,使得使用State Chemical成为一个容易的选择.

George Rister,运营总监 拉普拉亚墨西哥咖啡馆

国家为澳门威尼斯人赌城网站提供了餐厅, 伦尼餐厅费城费城人春训的主场, 克利尔沃特, 佛罗里达, 拥有超过35年的优质服务和洗碗产品.

丹·法雷尔 伦尼餐厅费城费城人春训的主场

State has become a valuable part of our facility. When we brought them on board they made sure it was hassle-free. The change from our previous supplier to State was very calm and our department did not miss a beat.

托马斯·布莱特,饮食服务主任 Mount Alverna护理中心

State的技术人员和客户服务代表从不让人失望,并展示了客户的真正价值. They are very knowledgeable and care about what they do.

托马斯·布莱特,饮食服务主任 Mount Alverna护理中心


Richard Pannullo,老板 潘努洛意大利餐厅

I’ve had the pleasure of 工作 with State for five years. 在那段时间里, they have consistently maintained adequate stock levels, 对澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的设备进行日常维护,并立即响应任何服务电话或紧急需求. 在澳门威尼斯人赌城网站业务中如此关键的领域,我真的找不到更好的合作伙伴了.

布拉德·史密斯,地区总经理 贵格会教徒的牛排 & 润滑油

I can’t even begin to express how great of a company this is. 从优质的客户服务到出色的产品,这家公司是一流的.

金英,采购部经理 Winstar世界赌场酒店

I have compared State to other big name chemical companies, and no other company comes close to exceeding or even matching their service and products. 如果澳门威尼斯人赌城网站的产品短缺, have mechanical issues or need recommendations on products, 这些人都在调查.

金英,采购部经理 Winstar世界赌场酒店

